Aerobic Dance Room 健康舞/舞蹈室

Daily opening hours are from 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Prior brooking must be made through the Concierge Desk/Management Office and is on a first-come-first-served basis.  No high-heeled or staining rubber sport shoes shall be worn inside aerobic dance room.

開放時間為每日早上六時三十分至晚上十時三十分。使用者須透過客戶服務處 / 管理處預訂健康舞/舞蹈室,預訂服務將採取先到先得政策。不得穿著高跟鞋或會造成鞋印的運動鞋進入場內。

*Rules and Regulations for Aerobic Dance Room

*Reservation Form For Aerobic Dance Room